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Regular price £15 Sale

New to the Dinky Artist range are these lovely fridge Magnets!

Pinning up your children's artwork on the fridge has never been more worth it!

  • They come in either a rectangle or heart shape, are ceramic and have a glossy shiny finish which makes the colours of the drawing really pop!
  • You can add words on to your magnet to make it an ultra personal gift.
  • They come in a wonderful canvas bag making it a ready make gift to give
  • Rectangle 5cm x 7cm and Heart is 6.7cm x 5.7cm
  • For the rectangle shape magnet please use your paper in the landscape position when doing your drawing
  • For the heart shape magnet please try and keep your drawing within a square. It's fine it this is impossible as we'll edit your drawing to best make it fit
  • As the magnets are a ceramic gloss, felt tip pen in really bright colours look the best!